Coming Soon from Vinyl Sugar – Seinfeld Vinyl Idolz

Vinyl Sugar has shared the Vinyl Idolz line for Seinfeld! The comedy characters look just like themselves, and the line comes with Kramer, Newman, The Soup Nazi, Frank Costanza, Puddy, and J. Peterman.

Seinfeld Kramer Vinyl Sugar, Vinyl Idolz.
Seinfeld Kramer Vinyl Sugar, Vinyl Idolz. I grew up watching Seinfeld, and Kramer always made a strong visual impact with his hilarious sliding around and fidgeting. This figure captures his character perfectly.

Seinfeld Newman Vinyl Sugar, Vinyl Idolz.
Seinfeld Newman Vinyl Sugar, Vinyl Idolz. Always up to something, Jerry’s nemesis looks incredible and like he stepped right out of the show!
Seinfeld The Soup Nazi Vinyl Sugar, Vinyl Idolz.
Seinfeld The Soup Nazi Vinyl Sugar, Vinyl Idolz. “No soup for you!”
Seinfeld Frank Costanza Vinyl Sugar, Vinyl Idolz.
Seinfeld Frank Costanza Vinyl Sugar, Vinyl Idolz. Comes with his very own festivus pole!
Seinfeld Puddy Vinyl Sugar, Vinyl Idolz.
Seinfeld Puddy Vinyl Sugar, Vinyl Idolz. Elaine’s off and on again boyfriend is wearing his signature jacket here.
Seinfeld J Peterman Vinyl Sugar, Vinyl Idolz.
Seinfeld J Peterman Vinyl Sugar, Vinyl Idolz. I remember him the most for the piece of cake he collected! He is seen here in business attire and holding a coffee cup.

Available in July!

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